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Interviews, Applications & Credentials Training

Veteran Job Placement Program

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N.VUE Production's I.ACT program was created with a singular focus in mind: to equip U.S. Veterans exiting the military with the tools they need to successfully navigate the professional job application, interview, and hiring process.


This 3-day training event covers a variety of practical, professional workforce skills and strategies – from broader topics like the importance of creating a career philosophy and defining career goals, to the specifics of proper interview etiquette and attire.

The training culminates in a series of professionally recorded, simulated interviews that are reviewed and assessed for strengths and weaknesses, pinpointing the areas that should be sustained while zeroing in on the areas that need improvement. We like to think of it as a coach going over game film with their team in order to better prepare them for their next opponent.


Upon completion of the program, graduates will receive their I.ACT certificate, 2 suits (provided by our clothing partner), professional tools, materials, a career connections database, as well as discounts on advanced products and services offered through our partnerships.

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